


To Explore the Influencing Factors of Occupational Hazard Prevention of Indigenous Laborers


洪敬宜(Ching-I Hung);蔡瀚輝(Han-Hui Tsai);陳秋蓉(Chiou-Jong Chen);王明珠(Ming-Chu Wang);葉錦瑩(Ching-Ying Yeh)


原住民族勞工 ; 健康信念模式 ; 健康管理 ; 職業災害預防 ; Indigenous workers ; Health belief model ; Health management ; Occupational hazard prevention




31卷3期(2023 / 09 / 20)


74 - 92




本研究目的是以健康信念模式(Health Belief Model, HBM)之架構模型探討原住民族勞工接受職業災害危害預防宣導之影響因子。問卷設計以「健康信念模式」為基礎,內容包含自覺罹患性、自覺嚴重性、自覺行動利益、自覺行動障礙、行動線索以及自我效能等六項構面,以及人口學資料、勞動狀況、健康生活行為與狀況、職業安全衛生措施等干擾變數。本研究蒐集有效樣本數計354份,其中男性140人,女性214人,平均年齡43.3±13.8歲,教育程度以高中職居多,專科/大學以上次之,族別以阿美族為大宗,排灣族次之。結果顯示,健康信念模式中之「自覺行動障礙」及「行動線索」為原住民族勞工未接收過職災預防宣導資料或未接受過相關課程的主要影響因子,其他特性包括:年齡較大、教育程度較低、未婚、年資較短、非固定工作性質、沒有固定雇主、年收入較低、偶而從事重體力工作、沒有接受過定期健康檢查、身體較少痠痛、自覺工作場所不會遭遇危害者,以及不喝咖啡、喝提神飲料、嚼檳榔、沒有非工作必要之熬夜、沒有運動習慣等健康行為者,另外為從事農林漁牧業、製造業、營建工程業、住宿及餐飲服務業者等。根據研究結果,建議原住民族勞工之職業災害危害預防宣導,除都市原住民族勞工外,應順應原住民族群聚特性,安排適當時間與場合,設法深入部落舉辦推廣活動,以增加無固定雇主勞工參加的機會,目前原住民族之年輕族群教育程度已提高,較有固定全職工作,但仍須多參與職業安全衛生訓練,加強危害識能,以減少職業災害之發生。


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the acceptance of occupational hazard prevention promotion among Taiwanese indigenous workers using the Health Belief Model (HBM). Data collection is carried out by using a structured questionnaire designed based on the "Health Belief Model", which includes six dimensions of perceived risk, perceived severity, perceived action benefits, perceived action barriers, action cues, and self-efficacy, as well as demographic information, labor status, healthy life behavior and status, and occupational safety and health measures. A total of 354 effective samples was collected in this study. The result show that the "conscious action barrier" and "action clue" in the health belief model are the main influencing factors for the aboriginal workers who have not received occupational accident prevention materials or courses. Other factors include: older age, low education level, unmarried, short seniority, non-fixed job nature, no fixed employer, low annual income, occasionally engaged in heavy physical work, did not receive regular health checkups, less body aches, or people who feel that they will not encounter harm in the workplace, do not drink coffee, drink refreshing drinks, chew betel nuts, do not stay up late for non-work reasons, and do not have the habit of exercising. In addition, they are mostly engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, manufacturing, construction engineering, accommodation and catering services, etc. Judging from the significant impact of conscious action barriers and action cues in the health belief model, it is suggested that occupational safety and health training for indigenous workers should continue to be strengthened, and appropriate arrangements should be made according to the characteristics of indigenous workers. Depending on the time and occasion, try to reach out to the tribe and hold outreach events to increase participation opportunities for indigenous workers who do not have regular employers. And improve the content and methods of publicity, strengthen the awareness of occupational hazards of employees, in order to reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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