


Discussion on Measuring Indicators of Occupational Hazard in Various Countries


吳翰柏(Han-Po Wu);彭舒歆(Shu-Hsin Peng)


職業災害衡量指標 ; 千人率 ; 失能傷害頻率 ; 失能傷害嚴重率 ; Indicators of occupational hazard ; Thousand person rate ; Frequency of disabling injuries ; Severity rate of disabling injuries




32卷3期(2024 / 09 / 20)


1 - 16




職業災害衡量指標是一種評估國家職業安全衛生狀況的有效方法,透過千人率、失能傷害頻率、失能傷害嚴重率等指標作為評估依據,然而不同國家所制定的職業災害衡量指標評估依據雖有雷同之處,但其資料來源與資料收集的方式卻相差甚遠,例如:我國職業災害統計資料取自雇主通報、針對50人以上勞工人數之事業單位進行抽樣調查及勞工保險資料統計;美國職業災害統計資料取自「致命職業傷害普查(Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, CFOI)」及「職業傷害與疾病調查(Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, SOII)」;英國職業災害統計資料取自「傷害、疾病與危害事件報告規則(Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985, RIDDOR)」、「勞動力調查(Labour Force Survey, LFS)」、「衛生與職業研究(The Health and Occupation Research, THOR)」、「工傷殘疾津貼補助方案(Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme, IIDB)」、間皮瘤與石綿肺死亡數據、死亡證明。不僅限於職業災害統計,包含勞工總工時數及調查勞工人數的資料,不同國家之間資料收集的方式也有所不同,顯然不同國家對職業災害衡量指標的資料來源皆有不同之處,因此期望藉由探討不同國家的職業災害衡量指標,其不同資料來源與統計方式,與我國進行比較,並提出其他國家的統計方法與資料來源中值得我國效仿的地方,藉此使我國的職業災害衡量指標之統計方式更加完善。


Indicators of occupational hazard are an effective method to assess the national occupational safety and health status. The evaluation basis is based on indicators such as the rate per thousand people, the frequency of incapacitating injuries, and the severity rate of incapacitating injuries. However, although the evaluation basis of indicators of occupational hazard in various countries are similar, their data sources and methods of obtaining data are quite different. For example, our country's occupational accident statistics are obtained from employer reports, conduct a sampling survey on institutions with more than 50 workers, and labor insurance statistics. Statistics on occupational accidents in the United States are obtained from Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Statistics on occupational hazards in the UK are taken from Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, Labour Force Survey, The Health and Occupation Research, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme, mesothelioma and asbestosis death data, and death certificates. It is not limited to occupational accident statistics, but also includes data on the total number of working hours of workers and the number of workers surveyed. The methods of data collection are also different. Obviously different countries have different sources of data on indicators of occupational hazard. Therefore, we hope to compare the indicators of occupational hazard in various countries with our country by exploring their different data sources and statistical methods. Propose the statistical methods and data sources of other countries that are worthy of our country's imitation, so as to make our country's statistics on indicators of occupational hazard more complete.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程