


On the Trading Strategies of Taiwan's Mutual Funds




游智賢(Chih-Hsien Yu);姚瑜忠(Yu-Chung Yao)


共同基金 ; 操作策略 ; 追漲殺跌策略 ; 低買高貴策略 ; mutual funds ; trading strategy ; positive feedback strategy ; contrarian strategy




8卷2期(2000 / 08 / 31)


49 - 76






The purpose of this paper is to investigate the trading strategy employed by Taiwan's mutual fund managers, the persistence of the strategy over time, and the consistency between the trading strategy and the fund's performance. The empirical results show that, overall, mutual fund managers tend to use the positive-feedback buy, instead of sell, strategy. The results also show that the positive-feedback buy strategy is mainly based on the stock return behavior in the same month, rather than that in the previous months. This implies that Taiwan's fund managers are used to continuously respond to changes in returns and risks of the stock holdings in their portfolios. Next, by examining the fund managers' trading strategies on the individual stocks of different market values and industry categories, we also find that although basically the trading strategy does not change much for different stocks, the number of funds using that strategy and the extent of the strategy used are quite different across stocks with different market values and industries. The larger the market value of the stocks, or the larger weights the industries are in the funds' portfolio holdings, the more the funds use positive-feedback buy strategy, and the larger the extent of that strategy is used. This result may due to the fact that there have been more capital invested in the stocks with larger market values or with larger portfolio weights in the funds. Therefore, there exhibits larger momentum for the fund managers to pursue the positive feed-back strategy. Furthermore, we also find that the above trading strategy employed by mutual fund managers has been persistent across different time periods. Finally, the results also show that there exists a significant positive relation between the fund managers' trading strategy and the funds' performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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