


The Breakthrough of a Nameless Live: An Electrical Technician's Life Narrative




張慈宜(Tsz-Yi Chang)


生命敘說 ; 勞動階級 ; 工作尊嚴 ; 異化 ; 社會正義 ; 批判教育學 ; life narrative ; working class ; work ; dignity ; alienation ; social justice ; critical pedagogy




2輯(2014 / 12 / 01)


219 - 244






This study addresses a life narrative based on the story of an electrical technician in Taiwan. The narrative consists of two main parts. The first one relates how the biographee struggled to maintain the dignity as a skilled laborer. The second presents the world of God worshipping art troupe ("Zeng-Tou"), to which the biographee and his peers have devoted themselves. The troupe, highly charged with meaning and energy, can thereby cast light upon the reality the blue collar workers confront: the alienation and deprivation of self-expression. In addition, the necessity of writing out the life story of a working class man can be verified through the perspectives of epistemology, social justice, and critical pedagogy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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