


How Happy Enterprising Individual and Unhappy Individual Regulate Emotion: A Comparative Case Study




尹可麗(Ke-Li Yin)


情緒調節 ; 幸福進取者 ; 不幸者 ; 對比性個案研究 ; regulate emotion ; happy enterprising individual ; unhappy individual ; comparative case study




2輯(2014 / 12 / 01)


265 - 290






Happy enterprising individual is the one who is in a superb condition of mental health. Focusing on troubled events and happy events occurring in real daily life, this study used comparative case method to analyze the difference on emotion regulation mechanism between five happy enterprising individuals and three unhappy individuals. The comparative results of in-case and between-case study showed that there were some differences on ways of emotion regulation between happy enterprising individuals and unhappy ones. Happy enterprising individuals had more ways to promote positive emotion rather than to defuse negative emotion, whereas unhappy individuals definitely had no way to enhance positive emotion. As to emotion regulation, happy enterprising individuals were inclined to take immediate constructive methods to boost happiness but paid no attention to negative emotion, and in this way, they could gain positive mental health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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