


Hidden Sound: About the Feminist Perspective of Chung Tai-mei Narrative Story




陳慧玲(Hui-Lin Chen)


女性主義 ; 生命敘事 ; 客家女性 ; 鍾台妹 ; 鍾理和 ; feminism ; life narrative ; Hakka women ; Chung Li-ho ; Chung Ping-mei




3輯(2015 / 12 / 01)


125 - 145






Taiwanese literature writer Chung Li-ho depicted a soulful stoic Hakka wife with a Tai-mei model, and created an idealized Chung Ping -mei/Tai-mei of the most traditional marriage relationship in the underlying culture. Chung Ping-mei was away from home for the love, bravely resisted the traditional patriarchal society with no regrets, and became the hard capable, perseverance simple Hakka women model. However, when the text story from Chung Li-ho was considered a true story, for Chung Tai-mei with rare opportunity to speak, the story of her own life was touched by few people. This paper adopts the narrative analysis method to collect the literatures of Chung Li-ho and other contents from interviewing with Chung Tai-mei, including a variety of reports, documents and other contents, and conduct the textual analysis and interpretation; the researcher adopts the feminist perspective to interpret the contents. Through the narrative study of Chung Ping -mei/Tai-mei, this paper aims to explore the symbolic meaning of the “female” sex symbol, as well as their long-standing blind spot of belief under the traditional patriarchal society, so that women’s voices will be heard again. This paper is not to overthrow the literary achievements of the writer, but to allow an invisible woman to speak.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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