The contrasts of "Center(Chinese)/West" and "Ancient Chinese/Modern Chinese" are but a prolegomena to a real problem of the 2-nd person pronoun "you" in modern Chinese. The "you" has its liquidated form emerging from current Chinese use. This form, especially with gender differentiation, quite alien to all grammatical rules in the world, is treated in this essay as a symptom, yet not as a sickness per se. Martin Buber once use I-You to save the subjectivity of all human-being, but it is invalidated in this problematic modern language. Another contrast of "Humanity/Animality" is thus brought up from Derrida's suggestion "The Animal that I Am." A story of Derrida and his pussycat finds its counterpart in my experience, but most problematic of all is the incomparableness of a cat's sex between the two cases. Derrida's invention of "Animot" is quite enlightening for a solution, though. Grammatical alienation is more real as nonsense in Chinese "bird-language," when referring to human relations between Chinese people inhabiting across the Taiwan Strait. You and I speak the same language, however, the gap between the two sides is as deep as an abyss, and no one in the world seems to be seeing it as a solvable problem. I roam on the long winding road for a long, long time, only keep asking whether we are really in a situation of solving a grammatical problem or in a problemless state of being human, forgetting all what humanity has of itself the capability of building up relationships by sharing our language, our history, and our favorite food. How long shall we give a solution for the difficult situation, it depends on how we can go around the problem terrain, and let it be solved by itself, day after day.
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