


Walking Through the Reflection Journey of Life "Text": From The View of Text Interpretation to Narrative Psychology Research




李文玫(Wen-Mei Li)


文本 ; 互為主體 ; 生命口述傳記 ; 敘說心理研究 ; 無我 ; text ; inter-subjectivity ; life oral biography ; narrative psychology ; anatmanAssistant




5輯(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






Life is a worthy text. This article begins with "narrative psychology" and explores how we tell our own life stories based on past life experiences and narrative context, what the meaning of "speaking" is, and how the narrator’s subject position should be highlighted. Before beginning analyzing the text, we face importance concepts such as: "the text is this black and white things," "narrator is dead," and "text has its independence." At the same time, we must understand not only the fact that concentration of the text is uncertainty, but also the text of the social context and culture. The purpose of exploration of the narrative psychology and the in-depth interpretation of the text is to close and understand the others, then to ask "what" and "how to say" to understand the context from the text, taking into account the individual/social structure/culture, as well as interpretation of the location from "inter-subjectivity" to "antaman," which are important reminders about narrative psychology research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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