Action research is intended to mean solving problems in action in a problematic situation. Therefore, the practical actions related to this problem situation should be replaced by the word "praxis" which combines theory and knowledge into action, and not just the "practice" that emphasizes practical work. Under this premise, this paper is a critical interpretation of the current "action research" which is popular in our academic world. Starting from the level of the most basic (radical), the conflict of consciousness neglected in educational ideals contains many subtle experiences of unusable conceptual expressions in consciousness, but each subtle experience reflects concretely and manifestly the whole picture of consciousness (or "ideology" exactly). When we conduct "research" in consciousness and experience (the "action research" that this article refers to), this kind of research action already contains some methodological blind spots left by the research tradition, such as the name of the objective reality and the service of control. The methodology, as well as legitimizing the potential controllers behind this approach. We must adopt the "post-pedagogy" approach to expose the crisis caused by these methodologies for educational purposes. The research topic worthy of parallel comparison with education is religion. Since the author has long-term experience in religious studies, two different topics of religious studies are presented in this article, illustrating how the research action achieves the purpose of critical interpretation: (a) In a religious place of sermon, the "educational" action in it is full of potential control and even brainwashing intentions. From this narrative, the research action must be a kind of "dialectical practice within conflicts." That is, the controller hidden behind must be exposed. (b) In the action of divination, it seems that the ordinary questioning process actually contains the "inexplicable other" (i.e., "Xian" or "Ghost"). Under the packaging of this belief statement, it is quite likely that a person becomes a blind follower of this misrepresentation. The above two studies use narrative methods from various angles, including the narratives made by the parties, because the main problem is to describe the "consciousness" process of people. Through these descriptions, the next step of research reflection can be carried out, that is, the problem of "relevance position" between the researcher and the research object is also seen as a re-start of epistemology. This reflection is a kind of critical dialogue per se. It is a dialogue between the author and his colleague Lin-Ching Hsia, who is pursuing the action research on many substantive issues. This dialogue appeared once in the Research in Applied Psychology in the form of the response to Lin-Ching Hsia's thesis. It was rewritten and insert into this article, mainly for a new round of in-depth discussion on the issue of narrative: the critical discussion of social movement is sometimes not thorough enough. Into the narrative, the unconscious self-contradictions are intensified: the problem of being criticized is strengthened, rather than breaking the core structure of the problem-due to the lack of "semantic innovation" in the narrative, so it will be repeated in the subject, and the object is confused as well, by the same semantics. All in all, action research and research actions, in the process of the consciousness process, must be clarified through the analysis and critical reflection of the narrative. The inevitable action of this narrative is layers and layers of dialogue. This includes a dialogue between the researcher and the researched, as well as a dialogue between research and action.
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