


The Co-Creation Process of Relationship and Meaning: Reflections on the Teaching Practice of "The Career Analysis and Planning" Course




李文玫(Wen-Mei Li)


行動中的關係教學法 ; 技職體系 ; 教學實踐 ; 職涯分析與規劃 ; 關係 ; relationship teaching method in action ; vocational colleges ; teaching practice ; career analysis and planning ; relationship




6輯(2018 / 12 / 01)


31 - 58






Taiwan's higher education system have prevailed in innovative teaching methods in recent years, and have advocated the "learner-centered" teaching practice, trying to reverse the past one-way teaching method. The "teaching method" is indeed an important part of the teaching scene. However, "relationship" is an important point to inquire. When we rethink that the basic unit of education is "relationship" rather than "individual," the goal of education is to assist the occurrence of relationship and the meaning process. This article took the "career analysis and planning" course in vocational colleges as the field of teaching practice. Through the reflection of "relationship" in the teaching field, I refer to Gergen's idea (2009) about "relationship teaching method in action" as my practical strategy, and further based on the actual teaching experience in the course, the four participation circles proposed by Gergen are modified: between teachers and students, students and students, students and self, and students and the workplace and the world. Finally, the convergence of three joint actions is used to illustrate the occurrence of the relationship and meaning process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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