


Power Relations in Qualitative Interviews




張慈宜(Tsz-Yi Chang)


女性主義 ; 訪談關係 ; 認識論 ; 質性訪談 ; 權力 ; feminism ; interview relationships ; epistemology ; qualitative interviews ; power




7輯(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 16






It is believed that the outcome of a qualitative interview is the result of interaction and negotiation between a specific interviewer and a specific interviewee under a specific context, and this belief is increasingly accepted. In this interactive negotiation process, there are many levels of factors that will influence the outcome of the interview. Among these many factors, this article focuses on the "power relationship" in qualitative interview research, in order to explore: (a) How does the factor of "power" work during the whole process of interview? (b) How should qualitative researchers face it? Some feminist scholars advocate that the interviewer should build with the interviewee a non-hierarchical relationship, which not only has ethical meaning but also has methodological significance, which will allow the interview to better perform its inquiry function. But this position has since been challenged. Although the interviewer has the power to "look" at the interviewee and set the agenda, the interviewer also has his/her own needs, desires, or goals, which he/she wants to express or achieve through the interview, and the power relationship in the interview cannot go operate independent from the outside real world. Therefore, the researcher should be aware of the operation of "power" throughout the entire research process, and to reflect on the power dynamics of the interview, taking it as an important window of our understanding of the research participants, research issues, and ourselves.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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