This study uses self-narrative analysis methods to explore the problems of attachment and separation between companion animals and children of single parent family through the researchers' life stories, family backgrounds, and companionship with animals. In terms of research methods, the story of the narrator and the companion animal is briefly described first. The animal is deliberately described as the first person pronoun. It is expected to create a space where animals and people get along which will help to deep into the context of the text. In order to improve the research reliability, cross-check analysis was applied. This research helps to improve the understanding of pet companionship. After being alone at home, come with pet dog companionship, then the death of a pet dog, and finally adapting to death. Through the reflection and reconstruction of the researcher, to sort out the meaning of the significant other's death and adjustment process. The results of the study are as follows: First, describe the living situation of children in single parent family: 1. The expectation of the happy family is disappointed; 2. The pleasing character developed by "Guardian Loyalty". Second, highlight the value of companion animals to children of single parent. 3. No longer alone; 4. Experience loneliness, and emerge the power of willingness that never give up the client. Third, list the experiences and meanings of accompanying animal's death: 5. Tippi is gone, the shock of death-fear, loss of control, disbelief, withdrawal, and rejection; 6. Escape from Tippi's death, rejection of separation; 7. Anthropomorphic seven-seven rituals, there is no way to fill the holes in life; 8. Tuomeng completes the sad journey as a farewell form of separation, accepting that Tippi is still alive in his life; 9. While accepting separation only, then could say goodbye truly. Finally, according to the research results, conclusions and suggestions are proposed.
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