The purpose of this study was to analyze on how a dramatherapy project has impacted on teenagers' resilience. This study analyses researcher's narrations and reflections as a dramatherapist coupled with interviews with teenagers. The study has found that the project was based on the notion of a family, within this new family, the teenagers expected to feel that they were loved again. Then, the teenagers could learn how to receive other people's kindness and tried to interact with others positively. Finally, those teenagers started to try caring people and spreading the love in their daily life. Moreover, they are able to show their resilience from drama therapeutic perspective. Aspect of emotions: Let the members of this project release existential stress and let this theatre company become a space to contain members' feelings. Aspect of faith: throughout the process in this theatre project, their role has been changing from the oppressed to a creator in their life, they are able to transform their image of being hurt into valuable self-identity. Aspect of cognition: The members can consider those suffers as part of their self-development in order to find a new perspective to think about their life. In addition, with other people's life experiences, they can learn different ways to solve a problem. Aspect of social support: They are able to extend their social network to form their own supportive group which included building a stronger relationship with their social workers and those drama facilitators. Aspect of influence: They are able to contribute their love to the society so that it is possible to change an unspoken rule in their community which used to encourage them to be strong because they have already learned how to cherish themselves in this project.
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