


The Curriculum toward an International Exchange Education: The Case of Information Technology as a Medium




陳美如(Mei-Ju Chen);郭昭佑(Chao-Yu Guo)


國際交流教育 ; 國際教育政策 ; 視訊交流 ; 課程 ; international exchange education ; international education policy ; video communication ; curriculum




113期(2014 / 05 / 01)


171 - 203






With the launching of the White Paper on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools (2010), Taiwan officially announced the coming of the new era of integration of international education in primary and secondary schools. This paper studies the ways of implementing international education in schools. Here, a primary school was taken as the object of study. The process and results of practical international education are studied and analyzed through interview, observation and questionnaire. Followings are our findings: (1) International exchange education by means of internet is deeper, concrete and feasible. (2) Teachers' professional training, passion and problem-solving ability would determine the implementation quality of international education. (3) International education curriculums can be operated mainly by class and partly by club as supplementary. (4) Curriculum issue settings need to be associated with formal curriculums, which will increase the feasibility. (5) Cultural curriculum issues more easily draw attention and discussion and be planned and implemented by curriculum integration, which will help expand international horizons. (6) In terms of implementation, the curriculum-oriented international exchange education can broaden international horizons and minds, but the student-based exchange processes still need to be further improved. (7) The ability of language ability and the quality of video are to be improved.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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