Relying on the PDCA strategy integrated into action research method, this research discusses the establishment of a summative assessment of core competencies. The action-research of an individual department is chosen to be the case of study. The task group consist 10 teachers of the case department, 4 representatives from students, alumni, industrials, and university teaching staff with the researcher as moderator (from 2011 March 1 to June 30). Three internal discussions and four orientations with scheduled classes were conducted. Four conclusions are made: (1) A related framework incorporating core competence, department curriculum (activity), and summative assessment is established for case department. (2) A capstone (as seen in the "Topic Creation before Graduation") is also established for case department. (3) The Summative Assessment Guidelines of case department are accepted by the department and by the three-level curriculum committee of case university. (4) A webpage is built to collect and exchange information relating to assessment. Five principles are provided to serve as reference for other departments.
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