


The Twelve-year Basic Education: Equality vs. Excellence




詹盛如(Sheng-Ju Chan)


十二年國民教育 ; 公平 ; 均質 ; 卓越 ; 優質 ; 政策分析 ; The Twelve-year Basic Education ; equality ; equity ; quality ; excellence ; policy analysis




115期(2014 / 11 / 01)


27 - 46




過去二十幾年來,臺灣不斷探討與研議延長國民教育的可能性。自從2006年以來,政府開始正式推動十二年國民基本教育,引進免試入學,推動高中職社區化與優質化方案,實施國中教育會考,甚至倡議免學費政策。但是在這些大規模的改革策略中,到底決策者希望十二年國民基本教育能達成哪些願景與理念,主要方案設計與規劃又蘊含哪些主要價值取向。本研究分析政策文本,發現十二年國民基本教育非常強調「公平/均質」的概念,雖然「優質/卓越」的理念也不斷出現,但因為全面追求公平的緣故,我國後期中等教育有結構趨同(structural convergence)的發展,不利於個體的適性發展與多元選擇。也因為對公平價值的重視,甚至窄化或取代了對優質/卓越理念的追求,這是往後政策規劃必須深思之處。


For over two decades, Taiwan has explored and revisited the issue of the feasibility of extending compulsory education. Since 2006, the government officially started the policy to launch the twelve-year basic education program, attempting measures such as test-free school admission, schooling in neighborhood, quality enhancement for senior high schools in general, implementation of the comprehensive assessment program for junior high school graduates, and last but not least, tuition free education. What are the visions and ideals of the policy-makers with these largescale reform strategies? What are the fundamental values underpinning these policies? This study, through comprehensive text analysis of policy documents, finds that the notion of equality/equity is heavily emphasized in the campaign for the twelve-year basic education system despite the occasional mentioning of the notion of quality/excellence. With the extreme focus on equality, upper-secondary education sees a trend toward structural convergence, which is not beneficial to individualized development and multiple choice. This also hinders the pursuit of the value of quality/excellence, which deserves our serious concern.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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