


Assessing User's Visual Attention on University Library Web Page with Eye Tracking Technology




陳志銘(Chih-Ming Chen);林惠卿(Hui-Ching Lin)


大學圖書館網站 ; 眼動追蹤 ; 廣告位置 ; 版面編排 ; 注意力 ; University library website ; Eye tracking ; Advertising position ; Layout ; Attention




87期(2015 / 12 / 15)


25 - 53




國內各大專院校圖書館網站建置已達到百分之百,網頁成為行銷各校學術資源最直接快速的管道, 並利用廣告吸引讀者對於活動訊息的注意。本研究採用真實驗研究法(true-experiment research method),結合網頁視覺設計相關理論對於讀者目光注意力的吸引原則,以及視覺元素之間如何影響讀者的視覺行為為基礎,設計出三種內容相同但廣告放置於不同位置之圖書館網站首頁,比較讀者視覺注意力行為的差異,以大學部五十四名學生為研究對象,利用「眼球追蹤儀器」(eye tracker)收集受試者眼動指標資料,並進行廣告傳達內容之記憶效應檢測,以及實驗後輔以問卷調查與訪談,探討大學圖書館網站首頁的廣告位置對於讀者視覺注意力及記憶效應的影響。研究結果發現,讀者在三種不同廣告圖片位置之眼動訊息、記憶效應、瀏覽順序、整體印象滿意度均具有顯著差異。讀者在廣告置上版面具有較多的注視次數,但是在廣告置左版面則具有較多的視覺停駐,以及具有最佳之記憶效應。


The establishment of domestic university library websites has currently reached 100%, web pages have become the most direct and rapid channels to market the academic resources, and advertisement on the library web pages is utilized for attracting readers' attention to activities. With true-experiment research method, the visual design of web pages to attract readers' attention in this study is integrated with the effects of visual elements on readers' visual behaviors. The design includes the identical advertising contents placed in three different positions on the index page of the library website to compare the differences in readers' visual attention. 54 undergraduate students are selected as the research participants. An eye tracker is utilized for collecting the participants' eye-tracking indicators, and the memory effect of the advertisement is tested. The questionnaire survey and interviews are also proceeded to discuss the effects of advertising positions on the index page of a university library website on readers' visual attention and memory effect. The research findings show the significant differences among the participants on the eye-tracking information, memory effect, browsing order, and overall satisfaction of the three advertisement positions. The participants pay more attention on top-layout advertisement, but stay the vision more on left-layout one. The results also reveal remarkable differences on memory effect of advertisement among three advertisement positions, where the optimal memory effect appears on the left-layout one.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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