With the public life deeply immersed in the Internet, it is more popular to take advantage of social media to disseminate collection information in archives. Social media can facilitate communication between archives and users and shape the friendly image of archives. Currently, most of the archives have used Facebook to disseminate information with users. The content format and the interactive strategies of Facebook utilizaion will affect users' perception of archives. This paper focused on content analysis of information presentation and user interaction on pages, and the US National Archives, The National Archives of UK, National Archives of Australia, and National Archives Administration, Academia Historica, and National Palace Museum in Taiwan were taken as samples to make comparisions. The immediacy of feedback, update frequency, usefulness of information, comment form and sharing features of these archives from October to December, 2015 were analyzed for discussing the pros and cons of operating Facebook in archives. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions will be proposed for archives reference.
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