


The Human Rights Locked Horns with Memory: The Concern and Influence of the Right to Be Forgotten for Archives Work




吳宇凡(Yu-Fan Wu)


被遺忘權 ; 檔案館 ; 檔案典藏單位 ; Right to be forgotten ; Archives ; Archival institutions




90期(2017 / 06 / 15)


15 - 31




2014 年歐洲法院裁定當個人資料顯然已過時且不相關時,即使所刪除資訊在過去係屬合法公開,民眾仍有權要求網路業者刪除個人相關資訊之連結,這樣的權利稱之為被遺忘權。此權利的提出刺激相關單位及人員重新檢視自身業務及其所提供資料內容,而歷史文獻資料內容因涉及大量曾經合法公開之個人資訊,因此相關議題亦為記憶保存單位所爭議。為此,本文即聚焦於被遺忘權對於檔案典藏單位之影響,釐清被遺忘權之定義與範疇,以及國外檔案典藏單位對於是項議題之意見進行整理,不僅可作為檔案典藏相關單位參考,更可作為其他文化典藏單位在處理相關事宜時之借鑑。


In 2014 the EU put forward the concept of the right to be forgotten, and there is a great deal of general literature on exercise of the right. There is little specific guidance, however, for the impact of the right to be forgotten on memory-preserving institutions. By analyzing the literature of foreign archival institutions on the subject of the right to be forgotten, this paper clarifies the definition and scope of the right, and argues that the experience of the archival institutions in Taiwan and other foreign countries can provide a framework for the impact of the right to be forgotten on archival institutions.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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