Information literacy is important for higher education to cultivate undergraduates to be critical thinking, independent and lifelong learners. Therefore, information literacy instruction is popular among universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. The popularity of digital learning and online courses has been welcomed in the recent years as a new way of education and learning. Information literacy online instruction has started to develop in the recent years; however, unlike the traditional classroom teaching, teachers and students are not in the same place. How online education can make students actively learn and lead to good learning interaction is problematic and challenging. The article mainly discusses the instruction models and strategies on information literacy online courses for higher education with research methods of literature review and case study. Firstly, it explores the meaning of information literacy instruction, and then analyzes the characteristics and problems of information literacy online instruction. Through literature review, it summarizes the types of information literacy online courses, course delivery methods, pedagogies and teaching strategies. The article analyzes five cases of information literacy online courses with case study methods including an information literacy online tutorial, an information literacy digital object website, an information literacy online course and two information literacy MOOCs. This case study empirically explores information literacy online courses, instruction, learner interaction and assessment. Finally, conclusions and suggestions are proposed.
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