The automatic system has been widely used as an operational management tool in government agencies. Particularly, the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is the most noticeable example among the electronic systems managing official documents and archives. In order to build a high-quality EDMS, organizational capacity, manpower, funding, software and hardware resources are needed. High involvement and cooperation of all stakeholders are also required. Specifically, this research focused on exploring the determinants influencing the success of EDMS at the second-level government agencies of Executive Yuan during the period of their organizational restructuring. According to the literature review, a conceptual framework was developed to guide this exploratory research. The conceptual framework consisted of four perspectives for exploring the phenomena of interest, including task characteristic, user characteristic, project characteristic, and organizational characteristic. In terms of research method, semi-structured interviews were carried out to obtain users' feedback and opinions of developing and using EDMS. There were 16 government officials interviewed, and each of them possessed respective experiences in charge of information technology, document processing, archives management and operations. The research results showed that determinants of the categories of project and organizational characteristics have higher weights while those of the categories of task and user characteristics also have their respective impacts. The influences of the determinants were discussed and practical implications of the research were presented. The limitations and future research directions were also discussed. It is expected that this study can contribute to the understanding of the determinants influencing EDMS success and offer insights to government agencies.
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