The electronic magazine reading platforms of mobile devices were usually composed of the scanned paper articles in the past. Recently, in order to satisfy the users' needs of both multimedia effects and comfortable operations, the contents are further reproduced. However, as there are not enough investigations on acceptability and principles of interface design, the design elements of high -quality electronic magazine apps are still unknown. In other words, the way to design a high-quality electronic magazines contents and man-machine interface is still vague. This paper employs the UTAUT model as the research architecture and postulates five direct determinants of use: "performance expectation", "effort expectation", "interaction", "users' experience", and "facilitating conditions" with two moderators: "experience" and "gender" for designing the questionnaire and conducting the interviews. The experimental result shows that both "performance expectation" and "interaction" have positive influence on "intention to use". The above positive influence of "performance expectation" on "intention to use" is interfered by "experience". Moreover, "users' experience" also has positive influence on "interaction". Furthermore, "intention to use" also has positive influence on "facilitating conditions". Finally, the suggestions on the design for both reading interface and contents of electronic magazine apps are proposed.
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