


The Development of Public Transport Data eXchange (PTX) Platform for Information Service




王穆衡(Mu-Han Wang);李霞(Hsia Lee);王國琛(Kuo-Chen Wang);陳信邦(Hsin-Pang Chen);江長穎(Chang-Ying Jiang);吳怡潔(Yi-Jie Wu);郭姿岑(Tzu-Tsen Kuo)




45卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


4 - 17




為加速推動公共運輸整合資訊開放(Open Data)政策、活化產業加值應用,交通部積極發展「公共運輸整合資訊流通服務平臺」(Public Transport Data eXchange,PTX),期能透過跨運具、跨區域、標準化地公共運輸資料M2M交換機制,有效滿足未來智慧聯網環境民眾及產業界對公共運輸整合資訊日益擴增之需求。PTX平臺係以SOA服務導向資訊架構為基礎,與各公共運輸機關中介平台協作,資料涵蓋全國尺度之公路、軌道、航空及航運等4大類旅運資訊,介接業者、路網、路線、站牌/場站、班表、票價、路線線型、預估到站時間、營運通阻、到離站等動靜態資料,經公共運輸旅運資料標準轉化後,以OData(Open Data Protocol)標準介面提供高品質、開放資料達四星級之公共運輸旅運資料服務API,加值開發人員只要使用OData定義的標準化語法,輕量隨選(On-Demand)取得資料服務,有效減低資料使用者須面對不同格式資料的困擾。加值業者、學術單位、政府單位、社群及民眾都可以輕易地透過平臺提供公共運輸開放資料服務,以機器對機器自動化隨選地取得各單位提供之公共運輸資訊,除使跨運具資料能更快速地相互流通外,進而加速實現各種智慧交通之創新應用服務,落實公共運輸資訊共用共享之目的。


This study aims to facilitate the information integration of public transportation, provide open data, and motivate the related industries to develop information value add-on and application. Ministry of Transportation and Communications (M.O.T.C.) began to plan and develop the project called "Public Transport data eXchange (PTX)" platform very aggressively. The goal of this project is to effectively satisfy the increasing demand for the information of public transport, including the needs of cross-modes, cross-regions and cross-agencies. The PTX platform provides the "M2M" standards and mechanisms for data modeling and data exchanges. The architecture of PTX platform is based on "SOA". It cooperates with other public transport platforms and systems maintained by various agencies. The data of PTX platform includes four main categories: road, rail, aviation, and ferry. It covers the data types such as: operators, network, routes, stops/stations, schedule, fare, route geometry, real-time gps, estimated time of arrival (ETA), station-based live-board displays, schedule changes and emergency alerts…etc. The PTX platform uses ETL process to do data cleaning and transform source data to the standardized Datasets. By the standardized processing, the PTX platform provides a high-quality and 4-star open-data API service by OData (Open Data Protocol) ISO-standard interface. Developers can retrieve on-demand public transportation services and data by using standard and unified ODATA URI conventions. For the government staffs, developers, individuals, community users, related industries, and academic researchers, the PTX open data API and services will bring a very convenient way to retrieve, calculate, use, query, and analyze the high quality data of public transportation. Moreover, the convenience of data access can help us to realize more innovative services, business models, and information sharing paradigms.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
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