








45卷3期(2018 / 06 / 01)


23 - 29




無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)最初於1970年代由美國國防部發展使用於軍事用途,簡單定義為沒有搭載飛行員的航空器。UAV之機動性高,且產製之影像較傳統衛星影像和航空攝影有更高之地面解析度(Ground Sampling Distance, GSD)。近年來民用UAV(Civil UAV)的發展隨著相關核心技術的開發,低成本製作技術的研發,飛行安全性的提升,民用UAV日漸普及且運用領域愈來愈廣,商業應用效益也愈來愈高。根據美國聯邦航空總署(Federal Aviation Administration,FAA)預估,2020年美國無人飛行載具將有約700萬部;而2022年時,在美國領空執行任務的商用無人飛行載具數量將上看45萬架(US FAA, 2018)。目前UAV之操作已由早期人工於地面手動操作,進步到可於UAV上搭載微型飛行控制電腦,同時整合全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,GPS)、慣性測量單元(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU)和地面控制站或控制器等,透過無線通訊系統進行半自動或全自動導航飛行,此整合的UAV飛行系統由美國FAA稱之為無人航空系統(Unmanned Aerial System,UAS)。

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 水利工程
  1. 楊明德,黃凱翔,趙智凡(2018)。應用 UAV 影像於鳳凰谷崩塌與堰塞壩之分析。中華水土保持學報,49(1),40-48。
  2. Aldo, L.(1994).The visual hull concept for silhouette-based image understanding.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,16(2),150-162.
  3. Chang, H.,Zilberman, D.(2014).On the political economy of allocation of agricultural disaster relief payments: Application to Taiwan.European Review of Agricultural Economics,41,657-680.
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  6. Jia, Y.,Su, Z.,Shen, W.,Yuan, J.,Xu, Z.(2016).UAV remote sensing image mosaic and its application in agriculture.International Journal of Smart Home,10,159-170.
  7. Li, L.,Chen, Y.,Xu, T.,Liu, R.,Shi, K.,Huang, C.(2015).Super-resolution mapping of wetland inundation from remote sensing imagery based on integration of back-propagation neural network and genetic algorithm.Remote Sensing of Environment,164,142-154.
  8. Lillesand, T.,Kiefer, R. W.,Chipman, J.(2014).Remote sensing and image interpretation.John Wiley & Sons.
  9. Lin, W.,Huang, Y.(2014).Automatic recognition of oyster racks in the aerial image.Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 2014 IEEE 9th International Conference on
  10. Lu, T.,Li, S.,Fang, L.,Jia, X.,Benediktsson, J. A.(2017).From subpixel to superpixel: A novel fusion framework for hyperspectral image classification.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,55(8),4398-4411.
  11. Noah, S.,Steven, M. S.,Richard, S.(2007).Modeling the world from internet photo collections.International Journal of Computer Vision,80(2),189-210.
  12. Okutomi, M.,Kanade, T.(1993).A multiple-baseline stereo system.IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,15(4),353-363.
  13. Shukla, A.,Ali, I.(2016).A hierarchical knowledge-based classification for glacier terrain mapping: A case study from Kolahoi Glacier, Kashmir Himalaya.Annals of Glaciology,57(71),1-10.
  14. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (2018). Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years (FY) 2018-2038, https://www.faa.gov/news/fact_sheets/news_story.cfm?newsId=22594
  15. Yang, M. D.,Chao, C. F.,Huang, K. S.(2013).3D model construction on imagery shot by mobile devices.Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation,45(3),219-224.
  16. Yang, M. D.,Chao, C. F.,Lu, L. Y.,Huang, K. S.,Chen, Y. P.(2013).Image-based 3D scene reconstruction and exploration in augmented reality.Automation in Construction,33,48-60.
  17. Yang, M. D.,Huang, K. S.,Kuo, Y. H.,Tsai, H. P.,Lin, L. M.(2017).Spatial and spectral hybrid image classification for rice lodging assessment through UAV imagery.Remote Sensing,9(6),583.
  18. Yang, M. D.,Huang, K. S.,Wan, J.,Tsai, H. P.,Lin, L. M.(2018).Timely and Quantitative Damage Assessment of Oyster Racks Using UAV Images.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
  19. Yasutaka, F.,Jean, P.(2009).Carved visual hulls for image-based modeling.International Journal of Computer Vision,81,53-67.
  20. Zhang, H.,Li, Y.,Zhang, Y.,Shen, Q.(2017).Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral imagery using a dual-channel convolutional neural network.Remote Sensing Letters,8(5),438-447.
  21. 行政院(2018),行政院新聞:行政院會通過「無人載具科技創新實驗條例」草案,https://www.ey.gov.tw/Page/9277F759E41CCD91/60a8e74e-d09e-4fac-b7c8-a0f1b3c2e1ab。
  22. 楊明德,陳韋廷,黃凱翔(2016)。應用 UAV 影像建置現地堰塞壩三維模型。中華水土保持學報,46(2),88-95。
  1. 陳首騎,馬國宸,林文苑(2023)。運用熱顯像無人機分析埤塘種電前後蒸發量變化之研究。中國土木水利工程學刊,35(6),587-593。
  2. 林燕秀,林玉菁(2023)。空拍正射影像輔助原民土地使用分區更正-以桃園市復興區哈嘎灣部落為例。測量工程,60,14-26。
  3. 楊明德,曾偉誠,曾信鴻,許鈺群(2019)。無人機於農作物定位及計數之應用。中國土木水利工程學刊,31(6),569-577。
  4. 鍾庫比亞,黃勝頂,莊裕斌,王志輝(2020)。結合新技術導入預鑄組合式工法設計之風險評估研究-以台東森永五福谷溪護岸工程為例。勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊,28(1),69-84。