


The Effect of Green Restaurant Assessment on Consumer Behavior


林奇剛(Chi-Kang Lin);郭彥谷(Yen-Ku Kuo);王堅楚(Chien-Chu Wang);林旭龍(Chia-Ying Chaing);蔣佳穎(Chaing-Ying, Chia);李欣曄(Shin-Yeh Lee)


綠色餐廳 ; 綠色採購 ; 品牌形象 ; 組織認同 ; 願付溢價 ; Green Restaurant ; Green Purchasing ; Brand Image ; Organizational Identification ; Willingness to pay premium




3卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


37 - 58




本研究之主要目的係透過蒐集國內外相關文獻及專家問卷,建立「綠色餐廳量化評量指標」評估準則,並利用消費者的問卷資料統計分析,篩選出綠色餐廳量化面向評量指標。本準則初步分為綠色標章、能源利用、節約用水、永續餐飲、廢棄物資源化、永續性建材及綠色採購等七大面向與調節面向組織認同。依據構面屬性分別研擬了52 個量化評量指標群,進行指標重要度之篩選評分,經模糊爾菲(FDM)法、重要度與適合性(IPA)分析法、成對樣本t 檢定等統計分析後,最後篩選出作為綠色餐廳量化面向評量指標總計39 項。經過結構方程模式分析與迴歸分析後,發現消費者大部分選擇經濟實惠且便利的餐廳用餐,初步推測該消費者屬性為外食族群;對於提高相當程度的費用至綠色餐廳消費的消費者而言,其願付溢價大部份強調必須在可負擔的範圍之內。最後,本研究期能以綠色餐廳評鑑影響消費行為之研究結果,以俾未來作為觀光旅遊、衛生福利暨環境保護等相關主管機關及餐旅業後續研究等提供建議,促使消費者重視環境,藉由認知的改變進而採取行動,可落實環境教育向下扎根,將環境教育轉化為生活態度,以達綠色消費之最終目標,能對未來在規劃、設計、管理及研究上能有所助益。


The assessment criteria and evaluation quantization indicators of green restaurant were investigated and screened out in this study using data integration of relevant references and twenty-five qualitative expert interview, and data statistical analysis of consumer questionnaire. The assessment criteria of green restaurant could be preliminary divided into seven dimensions, including green restaurant, green mark certification, energy utilization, water conservation, and sustainable catering, waste recovery, sustainable building materials, green purchasing, and organization recognition for regulation dimensions. In order to in accordance with the direction of the basic development principles of a green restaurant, above all twenty-five qualitative expert interviews were conducted with senior restaurant managers, and government officials to construct elaboration 52 quantization assessment criteria group were screen out based on the properties of the facets. Finally, deemed to green restaurant quantitative assessment criteria, 39 assessment quantization indexes were screened out using Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) method combined with the degree of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method, paired samples t-test and structural equation model (SEM) data analysis. After structural equation modeling analysis and regression analysis, it is found that the most affordable and convenient restaurant will be priority considered by consumer. Initially, it was speculated that consumers attribute to no cooking and eat outer group. For a considerable degree of cost increased to consumers who consume green restaurant, it was emphasized that the chance of consumers paying a premium for green products tends to be lower than one would expect. Simultaneously, the results of this study are indicated explicitly that restaurant managers can coordinate the policy formulated by relevant government authorities, to construct the management model and assessment indicators for the restaurant industry and to improve environmental quality of restaurant in response to the requirements of modern green eating environment and to promote the safety of hospitality and restaurant. This study would recommend that a future study should focus on for government and catering industry, the importance and relevance of implementation in the evaluation criteria of safety and healthy in green restaurant can be served in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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