


Moderating Effect of Perceived Value among Excessive Service, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention


朱永蕙(Yung-Hui Chu);劉嘉麒(Chia-Chi Liu)


過度服務 ; 知覺價值 ; 滿意度 ; 再購意願 ; Excessive Service ; Perceived Value ; Satisfaction ; Repurchase Intention




4卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


55 - 74






Purposes of this study are to investigate the influences among excessive service, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, as well as moderating effect of perceived value between excessive service and customer satisfaction, along with between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Data has been collected by web survey with purposive sampling. Regression analysis has been applied to analyze variables. Moderating effect has been tested by hierarchical regression analysis. Results have shown that excessive service not only has a positive significant influence on customer satisfaction, but also has a positive significant influence on repurchase intention. However, there were neither significant moderating effect of perceived value between excessive service and customer satisfaction, nor between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, but did decrease or increase effect among variables. In addition, although excessive service has a positive influence on customer satisfaction, customers still disagree with "eagerly greeting," "asked to fill in the questionnaire," or "be reminded what meals frequently chosen" when referring to excessive service.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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