


The Study of City Marketing and Event Marketing-Taking 2017 Taipei Universiade's Media Press as the Analysis Target


陳思先(Ssu-Hsien Chen);邱栢舜(Chiu, Po-Shun)


城市行銷 ; 臺北世大運 ; 新聞報導分析 ; 事件行銷 ; 運動賽事 ; city marketing ; 2017 Taipei Universiade ; media press analysis ; event marketing ; sport events




7卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


37 - 70






This research aimed at 2017 Taipei Universiade as the observation target. The event relevant media press was categorized into types of city marketing strategies as image marketing, attraction marketing, people marketing, infrastructure marketing, sponsoring partnerships and Internet marketing. This research attempted to find out the marketing strategy that has the most positive reflection news upon the events. The method of content analysis was employed-using Google Trends, Cloud Natural Language API and WordCloud as the analytic instruments. Three time periods of the event media press were taken into account: one year before the event, the month of the event and three months after the event. The research analysis included the changes of event search trends, the intensity of the positive or negative news of the event, and the frequency of meaningful words and terms among the event news. The research findings indicated that, with the purpose to create city unique image and competitiveness, attraction marketing (i.e. good food and cultural activities), sponsoring partnership marketing (i.e. the increase of the place for publicity-seeking information of the events) and people marketing (i.e. athletes and official mascots) could bring the most positive marketing news from media press. Unpredicted connection with specific episodes (i.e. the protest against the pension reform) and budgeting issues (i.e. the expenditure of stadium maintenance) could emerge with some negative image of the event. The event organizers should be able to clarify the confusion and have an immediate reaction dealing with the unexpected circumstance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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