


What is to be collected? Discuss the proposed tourism tax under the impact of tourism research


鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung);李育萍(Yu-Ping Li);高湘婷(Siang-Ting Gao);楊珊旻(Shan-Min Yang);戴珮伃(Pei-Yu Dai)


地方感 ; 在地智慧 ; 觀光衝擊 ; 觀光發展態度 ; 徵收觀光稅 ; sense of place ; local wisdom ; tourism impact ; tourism development attitude ; tourism tax collection




8卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


45 - 68




2020年新冠肺炎席捲全球,全球觀光產業受到重創,民眾配合政府防疫措施而無法從事觀光旅遊活動;國內於6月份疫情趨緩,國人為補償自己於防疫期間無法出門之心情以及配合使用安心旅遊補助,紛紛開始規劃國內旅行,媒體稱為「報復性旅遊」,大批遊客的湧入, 也造成了觀光地的過度旅遊(Over-Tourism);迫使瑝地居民承受生活習慣的改變、難以使用公共設施及危害固有生活品質。報復性旅遊使小琉球成為過度觀光的重災區,超額的遊客使小琉球無法負荷,引發一連串失衡的效應。因此本研究以社會交換理論探討小琉球居民在報復性旅遊效應下感受到之觀光衝擊,並進而探討居民對於徵收觀光稅(登島費)之意向與稅額區間,以彌補報復性旅遊所帶來之觀光傷害。實證結果顯示,瑝地居民同意徵收的觀光稅平均為97.27元,中位數為100元。


In 2020, the COVID-19 swept the world, and the global tourism industry was hit hard. The people cooperated with the government's anti-epidemic measures and were unable to engage in sightseeing and tourism activities. The domestic epidemic slowed down in June. One after another began to plan domestic travel. The media called it "revenge travel" The influx of tourists also caused over-tourism in tourist destinations; forcing local residents to bear the changes in living habits, difficulty in using public facilities, and endanger the inherent quality of life. Revenge travel has made Liuqiu a hard-hit area for over-tourism, and the excessive number of tourists has made Liuqiu unable to load, triggering a series of unbalanced effects. Therefore, this study uses the theory of social exchange to explore the tourism impact of the residents of Liuqiu under the effect of retaliatory tourism, and then explores the residents' intention to levy tourism tax (landing fee) and the tax range to compensate for the retaliatory tourism. The tourism damage. The empirical results show that the average tourist tax agreed to by local residents is $97.27, with a median of $100.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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