
"Let's Teach English in Cambodia": Intercultural Competence Development and Job Performance Following International Volunteer Service






嚴嘉琪(Jia-Chyi Yan)


國際志工 ; 跨文化知能 ; 職場應用 ; international volunteer service ; intercultural competence ; job performance




1卷1期(2014 / 12 / 01)


85 - 112






Within the last decade, international volunteer service has become a very popular and important educational activity throughout all levels of education in Taiwan. Based on an overview of international volunteer service studies from three major research databases in Taiwan, this study found that very few studies have focused on the influence of these important international learning experiences on job performance. Hence, this study aims to explore the intercultural phenomena of four international volunteers' experiences. After the participants' 1 to 2 years of work experience, how have they applied what they have learned from their international volunteer service experience to their job performance? In particular, how have they developed and performed in terms of intercultural competence? The study first provides authentic first-hand accounts of how these participants have reconciled all the ups and downs of intercultural competence development to their job performance. Furthermore, the study notes what their real intercultural communication motives were and how this intercultural competence empowered them in choices of action. It is hoped that the study findings will provide solid data and suggestions for future international volunteer educational programs as well as for educators, researchers, and scholars with a specific interest in intercultural competence development and application.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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