This article investigates the writings of Buddhist Pagoda in “Ci-poem of Dong Po” to analyze the relationship between the scenes of Pagoda and Buddhism. Furthermore, it inquires into how Su Dong Po used the scene of Pagoda, the symbolic building of Buddhim, to manifest his realization and development of Bodhisattava stages in life. The article consists of six parts. First, to investigate the relationship between Dong Po’s life and the origin, transition of Buddhism. Second, to discuss the meaning of Pagoda scene in Dong Po’s Farewell Ci-poem written in HangZhou for Chen, Shugu. Third, to deeply inquire into Dong Po’s compassion by investigating the historic culture and social context of MiZhou temple and people’s livelihood in his poems. Fourth, to explore Dong Po’s life sentiment of temporally enjoying Zen gusto in poems while feeling anxious and fearful after “Wutai Poem Case” during his post in HuanZhou. Fifth, to elaborate the experienced Bodhisattava realm presented in Dong Po’s poem about taking shower under SiZhou Tower. Sixth, to conclude with the extraordinary realm and literary vitality of scenes of Pagoda in “Ci-Poem of Dong Po”.
帕瑪, Richard E.,嚴平(譯),張文慧(校閱),林捷逸(校閱)(2003).人文學方法論:詮釋的存有學探源.臺北:讀冊文化.