


Relationship among "Responsible Conduct of Research" Cognition, Attitude, and Fulfillment of Graduate Student




葉建宏(Jian-Hong Ye);彭逸玟(Yi-Wen Peng);吳光偉(Kuang-Wei Wu)


學術論理 ; 研究所學生 ; 混合研究法 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 負責任的研究行為 ; Academic Ethics ; Master Student ; Mixed-Methods Research ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; Responsible Conduct of Research




3卷1期(2016 / 12 / 01)


161 - 176




「負責任的研究行為(Responsible Conduct of Research [RCR])」之守則與觀念,係研究所學生在學術養成階段即是重點教育項目之一,如開設學術倫理課程與系列講座,強化與教育「負責任的研究行為」之專業認知,但近年來舉報的不當研究行為案例仍頻傳,其違反因素值得深究,且研究所學生的實踐程度亦是探析的重點之一,故本研究擬定如下二項研究目的:一、瞭解不同背景研究所學生「負責任的研究行為」認知、態度與實踐程度;二、探析研究所學生「負責任的研究行為」認知、態度與實踐程度之相關性;本研究以計畫行為理論作為理論基礎,應用網路問卷調查進行調查研究,並輔以個別訪談,透過文字的補充強化本研究;研究結果發現,負責任的研究行為認知對於負責任的研究行為態度具有顯著負相關;負責任的研究行為認知對於負責任的研究行為實踐程度具有顯著正相關;負責任的研究行為態度對於負責任的研究行為實踐程度具有顯著負相關。且從研究結果可知,在課程作業上違反負責任的研究行為者有相當高比例,而違反原因以為求方便及時間限制為主要因素之一,接著依序是為求良好研究結果或品質、因個人研究經驗不足下無意間違反因素等等;本研究依據研究結果提出二項建議,希冀對於研究所學生恪守負責任的研究行為之成效有所助益。


Responsible Conduct of Researchers' rules and regulations is the most important education project in student's school life, such as create academic ethics courses to intensify student's RCR knowledge. But in recent years, there are various improper cases of research reports. It's worth doing further researches for the violators' factors. The most important of all is to understand the extents of students' practice. There are two purposes in this research. First, understanding the cognitive, attitude and practice extent of RCR in different kinds of master students' backgrounds. Second, exploring the correlations of RCR cognitive, attitude and practice extent among the students. This research is based on theory of planned behavior, and the main research method is web questionnaire survey and sometimes interview is to be supplemental for the research. There are three results of this research. First, the RCR have significant negative correlations between cognitive and attitude. Second, the RCR have significant positive correlations between cognitive and practice extent. And third, the RCR have significant negative correlations between attitude and practice extent. We can find that there're relatively high proportions in student's misconducts on their research works. The two main reasons are the convenience and limitation of time. Next followings are: for the best results or quality, lack of personal experiences, inadvertently misconduct, etc. Hope the two suggestions based on this research are helpful for those who are doing researches in the institute students now.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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