Responsible Conduct of Researchers' rules and regulations is the most important education project in student's school life, such as create academic ethics courses to intensify student's RCR knowledge. But in recent years, there are various improper cases of research reports. It's worth doing further researches for the violators' factors. The most important of all is to understand the extents of students' practice. There are two purposes in this research. First, understanding the cognitive, attitude and practice extent of RCR in different kinds of master students' backgrounds. Second, exploring the correlations of RCR cognitive, attitude and practice extent among the students. This research is based on theory of planned behavior, and the main research method is web questionnaire survey and sometimes interview is to be supplemental for the research. There are three results of this research. First, the RCR have significant negative correlations between cognitive and attitude. Second, the RCR have significant positive correlations between cognitive and practice extent. And third, the RCR have significant negative correlations between attitude and practice extent. We can find that there're relatively high proportions in student's misconducts on their research works. The two main reasons are the convenience and limitation of time. Next followings are: for the best results or quality, lack of personal experiences, inadvertently misconduct, etc. Hope the two suggestions based on this research are helpful for those who are doing researches in the institute students now.
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