


What accounts for students' loyalty in higher education industry?




姜惠璇(Hui-Hsuan Chiang)


顧客忠誠度 ; 顧客信任 ; 高教產業 ; customer loyalty ; customer trust ; higher education industry




3卷1期(2016 / 12 / 01)


217 - 234






The main purpose of this research is to understand how to keep loyal customers (students) in a higher educational institution(HEI). A crucial element in the marketing of HEI is based on a relationship marketing approach, which is characterized as fostering interactions between the organization and its customers, emphasizes the importance of developing a customer- (i.e. student-) driven organizational culture, and focuses on the customer orientation. Researchers have expanded into the realms of customer loyalty since 1990, as a loyal customer base is the only assurance firms have against possible losses. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the effect of customer orientation(CO) and student trust in building student loyalty towards high educational settings. As there is already some empirical evidence to explain the formation of loyalty in industrial and service organizations, it seems of high value to examine the student loyalty in HEIs. Data of this research were randomly collected from 249 college students studying in a Taiwan's university. Research method encompasses structure equation method(SEM) , reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The data resulted in acceptably high reliability, indicated that all independent variables have significant impact on student loyalty, and the mediation effect of student trust was also been proved. All four hypotheses were supported. This study is set to assist institutions of higher education to identify improvements in the service delivery process by identifying different aspects of customer orientation and student trust in loyalty building.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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