


Let's Get Closer to Each Other -Sharing Family App Marketing Plan




樊祖燁(Tsu-Yeh Fan);陳明郁(Ming-Yuh Chen);謝雅婷(Ya-Ting Hsieh);方冠茹(Guan-Ru Fang);姜家綺(Jia-Ci Jiang)


時間銀行 ; 數位經濟平台 ; 共享經濟 ; 銀髮族 ; 青銀共居 ; time bank ; digital economic platform ; sharing economy ; silver hair ; seniors to cohouse with younger generations




5卷1期(2018 / 12 / 01)


49 - 70






In response to the gradual aging of Taiwan's population, the government actively promotes seniors to co-house with younger generations. But the results of this promotion are not good because there is no good mechanism. The "Shared Family" App uses smart phones that are now very popular as devices to reshape the buying and selling structure and economic value of C2C users' services through an innovative digital economy platform. The "Shared Family" App intends to use the step-by-step menu to allow both an elderly landlord and a young tenant to find the ideal landlord or tenant. Combined with the innovative "time bank", the two-way deviating model of reciprocal means, so that the two sides may exchange through the exchange of labor for rent to achieve a balance between supply and demand. In the future, this study intends to extend this platform to other exchange activities that allow the exchange labor services for materials to avoid certain incidents that money payments will cause malpractice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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