


Exploring the learning process of Taiwanese university students in the Thai language




譚華德(Nitiwat Watthanapas);葉建宏(Jian-Hong Ye)


持續學習意願 ; 泰語 ; 學習焦慮 ; 學習態度 ; 學習興趣 ; continuous learning intention ; learning anxiety ; learning attitude ; learning interest ; Thai language




5卷1期(2018 / 12 / 01)


95 - 112






The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between undergraduate students' learning attitude, learning interest, learning anxiety and continuous intention in Thai language course. To meet the purpose of this study, questionnaires were conducted, with a total of 94 students from National Taiwan Normal University studying basic Thai courses were analyzed using VisualPLS statistical software to verify structural equation model. The results show that: Thai learners with higher learning attitude, will have higher Thai learning interest, however, Thai learning anxiety will be lower. In addition, the higher the Thai learning interest the higher the continuous intention to learn Thai. In conclusion, Thai learning anxiety does not significantly affect continuous intention to study Thai.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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