


Discuss the systematic violence phenomenon of #MeToo with the theory of silence spiral




高瑱娟(Chen-Chuan Kao);陳政智(Cheng-Chih Chen)


性侵害 ; #MeToo ; 沉默的螺旋理論 ; 中堅份子 ; sexual assault ; #MeToo ; spiral of silence theory ; hardcore




6卷1期(2019 / 12 / 01)


35 - 46






Victims of sexual assault in their early years are often the most painful experiences in their lives. In 2017, the global「#MeToo」movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault took the Internet platform as the media. The impact and response caused by the globalization of its movement in various countries in the world is undoubtedly a new page in history. The class characteristics of sexual assault incidents show that the majority of abusers tend to have higher power status in the unequal power structure. The author found from practical work, the victims in addition to bear sexual trauma, social discrimination and victim blaming, by being excluded and isolated, is the victim to choose silence the biggest factor. The author takes the domestic as the main object of discussion, through understanding the severity of sexual assault cases, and the huge pressure suffered by the victims; With neighboring Japan and South Korea as a comparison, to discuss the systematic violence phenomenon of #MeToo movement, and understands how the spiral theory accompanied by silence manifests itself in different positions of increase or silence. At the same time, we can know how social cases are affected by the cultural framework in the production of news, and how the news media influences the opinion climate of the audience. In the silence of the spiral effect and some not willing to compromise and is not afraid of isolated hardcore, continue to try to start the spiral of silence effect, it is expected to increase the exchange of diverse opinions through the power of Internet communication, providing victims with the status of mainstream opinions in the pursuit of justice. And the judicature for the people to uphold justice of the public instrument must consider the situation, to create a safe report of the social environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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