This research was based on the exhibition in Taichung Hakka Story House. We explored three different learning style users by offering different kinds of exhibition display technologies, such as animation, projection, touch-screen, motion-sensing games, and AR interaction applications to demonstrate the Hakka indigenous culture. We evaluated local awareness, local affection, system usability, and satisfaction evaluation for the visitors who went to Taichung Hakka Story House and learned local education courses. Our research subjects are 163 students who are the fifth and sixth grades of students in Dongshi Elementary School (Dongshi Township, Taichung City, Taiwan). Before the study, we used the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) to divide the students into three groups according to their learning cognition: the site dependence group, the middle group, and the site independence group. The students were brought to the Taichung Hakka Story House by class, and they explore and experience different display interaction types (activation, operation, interactive) in the story house. They took the learning effectiveness test on indigenous education, indigenous affection, system usability scale (SUS), and Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS) after the experience tour. Our results showed learning style impacts learning effectiveness test on indigenous education, indigenous affection, SUS. However, learning style makes no impact on QUIS. Within the learning style difference, the site independence group got the highest score on SUS and QUIS. Field-independent and field-dependent students have made significant progress in learning with different interaction modes of display, Among different exhibition interaction modes, site independence and site dependence groups significantly improved learning performance; the site independence group's learning score is significantly higher than the site-dependent and middle group. We found a positive correlation between learning style and cognitive learning effectiveness; more independent students have better learning performance. However, we also found a negative correlation between learning style and local affection; more independent students have a less local identity. Our research showed that we should pay more effort to cultural technology design with the development of technology. To foster the integration of culture and technology, we should focus on the target group's needs. Not only the local cultural museum, but this theory also can apply to various historic buildings, community spaces, and exhibitions.
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