Starting in the second half of 2007, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis sparked and triggered widespread disruption of the global financial system in 2008. The subprime mortgage crisis and global financial crisis can be attributed to a number of causes, including the reversal of interest rate, the burst of real estate bubble, the impairment of assets, improper risk management and among others, securitization. Securitization was blamed for the main cause of subprime mortgage crisis turning into global financial crisis. Notwithstanding, instead of denying the value of securitization, the international monitory organizations and government authorities examined the deficits of securitization. One of these deficits was that the business model of bank system changed from traditional "Originate-to-Hold" to "Originate-to-Distribute," caused the credit risk transferring to the investors and invoked the issues of misaligned incentive. The misaligned incentive in securitization was considered the core issue for the reform of securitization in the future. After the financial crisis, the U.S. and European authorities made securitization legislative reforms respectively, the key point of reforms was the alignment of incentive in securitization. In July 2011, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Bank for International Settlement (BIS) and International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), in the name of "Joint Forum", published "Report on Asset Securitization Incentives," specifying the problems of misaligned incentive in securitization before the crisis and the reforms in the worldwide after the crisis, and provided policy recommendations. This essay is focus on the issues of incentive mechanism in securitization, introducing the analysis and discussions relating to the incentive mechanism in the worldwide, then examining securitization incentive mechanism in Taiwan and providing recommendations.
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