


Wishing to be Established Herself, Seeks Also to Establish Others: A Case Study of an Elementary School teacher's Transformation of Life Meaning and Caring Practice


吳勢方(Shih-Fang Wu);丘愛鈴(Ai-Ling Chiu);何青蓉(Ching-Jung Ho)


生命意義感 ; 關懷實踐 ; 國小教師 ; 福智生命教育理念 ; Life meaning ; caring practice ; Primary school teacher ; Bliss and Wisdom's life education ideals




3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


32 - 52




本研究以個案研究為方法,探討國小個案教師參與福智團體後生命意義感的轉變與其關懷實踐的關係。在研究中,參照V. E. Frankl意義治療學與N. Noddings關懷倫理學的概念作為分析架構,以高雄市某國小教師為個案對象,進行深度訪談、參與觀察與文件的蒐集與分析。結果發現:1、個案教師因學習與實踐福智理念確立個人生命存在意義與價值。2、個案教師以觀功念恩和善行實踐引導學生心靈成長並給予肯定和讚美。3、遇到困境時,從福智團體及其理念尋求難題處遇方式與支持。整體而言,福智生命教育理念、生命意義與關懷實踐成為相互驗證的關係,成為個案教師穩固生命之基石。


This study is to investigate the case teacher's transformative process of life meaning and its relationship with her caring practices since she joined Bliss and Wisdom Group (B &W). This research adopted case study method, by selecting Teacher Nien (an alias) from a primary school in Kaohsiung City as the subject. By referring to the viewpoints of V. E. Frankl's logotherapy and N. Nodding's the ethics of care, this study analyzed data from interviewing, participative observation and class documents. The major findings are as follows: 1. Based on her learning and practice B & W's ideals, Nien established her life meaning and value. 2. By adopting "observe merit, appreciated kindness" as the core practice, Nien led students to practice benevolent activities for students' spiritual growth and also gave students timely recognition and praise. 3. When Nien met distress, she always found supports from B & W and its ideals to solve problems. Overall, B & W's life education ideals, life meaning and caring practices became mutual authentication, which also became a solid foundation for Nien's life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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