


Police, Community Leaders, Gentry and the Magistrate near Mudong Town in Baxian: The Complex Structure of Basic Sub-County Governance in the Qing Dynasty


凌鵬(LING Peng)


清代巴縣 ; 司法檔案 ; 地方治理 ; 巡檢 ; 團約 ; 士紳 ; Qing-dynasty Baxian ; judicial archives ; local governance ; police (xunjian) ; community leaders (tuanyue) ; gentry (shishen)




38期(2021 / 12 / 01)


163 - 204






In the study of basic administration in China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are four key points: gentry (shishen 士紳), community self-monitoring systems (lijia 里甲, including self-defense baojia 保甲, community tuanyue 團約 [community leaders], etc.), clan, and sub-county administration. These have attracted much scholarly attention and are the subject of many classical studies. Looked at together, however, they raise the important question of the relationships and interaction among them. Many of these studies tend to put these layers of administration into a set theoretical system to facilitate discussion, but such a system cannot explain the many overlaps and ambiguities in the historical materials themselves. Therefore, this article selects litigation files from the judicial archives of Baxian 包縣 (Ba County) from the Xianfeng 咸豐 reign (1851-1861) related to the area of Jiujia 九甲 in Renli 仁里 near Mudong 木洞 Town. Through a comprehensive arrangement and investigation of these files, it explores the complex operations of the police (xunjian 巡檢), community leaders, and gentry in local-level administration in actual social life. Through the analysis of many cases, it was finally found that these three layers, together with the county magistrate, constituted a system of grassroots governance in the Qing Dynasty composed of "violence protection," "local conditions and rationality," "public good and civilizing influence," and "enlightened governance." Moreover, its fundamental spirit was to "enlighten" the minds of the people through these multiple layers of administration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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