


Benign Affection and Imposed Seclusion: On the Construction of the Royal Prison and Long-term Imprisonment of Imperial Clansmen in the Ming Dynasty


連啟元(LIEN Chi-yuan)


親親思想 ; 罪宗 ; 《宗藩條例》 ; 鳳陽高牆 ; 閒宅 ; family affection / showing partiality to kin (qinqin sixiang) ; criminal clansmen (zuizong) ; Legal Provisions for Imperial Kin (Zongfan tiaoli) ; Royal Prison in Fengyang (Fengyang gaoqiang) ; Idle Compounds (xianzhai)




38期(2021 / 12 / 01)


57 - 91






In formulating Ming law, Ming Taizu strengthened the "take kinship into account" feature of traditional law into one of "showing partiality for kin." This was given concrete shape in the August Ming Ancestral Injunctions (Huang Ming zuxun 皇明祖訓), which significantly increased the power of imperial relatives; as their numbers multiplied, this created a burden for Ming society. The judicial procedures adopted for imperial clansmen who broke the law were different from ordinary trials. Moreover, the Great Ming Code (Da Ming lü 大明律) and the Itemized Regulations for Trying Criminal Matters (Wenxing tiaoli 問刑條例) were not the judicial basis for conviction; and even the August Ming Ancestral Injunctions, which were intended to regulate the behaviour of imperial clansmen, were rather hazy. The form of punishment was also separate from the standard "Five Punishments" (wuxing 五刑). Thus their situation was quite special and uncertain. In the Ming dynasty, those of the imperial house who offended against the law were referred to as "criminal clan[smen]" (zuizong 罪宗). Apart from a very small number who were guilty of heinous crimes or plotting to rebel and were either ordered to commit suicide or put to death, most crimes were punished with loss of rank, loss of emolument, or imposed seclusion in the Royal Prison (gaoqiang 高牆, "High Walls") or other special compounds (xianzhai 閒宅, "Idle Compounds"). The most common serious punishment was imposed seclusion in the Royal Prison in Fengyang. This was a special prison dedicated to holding criminal clansmen that had been set up in the mid-Ming; later, as the number of criminal clansmen and their dependents increased, "Idle Compounds" were created to expand the space for imprisonment. Scholarly attention has focused on the former and said relatively little about the establishment of the latter. The appearance of the Idle Compounds not only reflects how common long-term imprisonment of criminal clansmen had become, but also the growing strictness of "imperial kin seclusion" and the strengthening of the bans on imperial kin leaving their fiefs. This article focuses on the administration of the Royal Prison at Fengyang and examines two major questions: the design and plan for the Royal Prison system and the long-term imprisonment of a rising number of "criminal clansmen" that led to its space being insufficient. It also discusses the relationship between the precedent of the 32nd year of the Jiajing 嘉靖reign (1553) associated with the creation of the "Idle Compounds" and the strengthening of the prohibition on imperial kin leaving their fiefs. Apart from furthering the discussion on the administration of the Royal Prison, it looks at how the court dealt with the handling and release of criminal clansmen, the resolution of the issue of long-term imprisonment and their mutual relationship and influence. It aims to understand better the complex relations between the Ming emperors and their imperial kin: on the one hand, they had to take into consideration the principle of "partiality for kin" (qinqin 親親) but on the other there was the long-term imprisonment of criminal clansmen, who were left to languish in the Royal Prison. This produced a contradictory, tense, and antithetical predicament.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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