


Measures against Fugitives from Justice in the Qin and Han Eras: An Analysis of Slips 122 to 124 of Ernian Lüling (Statutes and Ordinances of the Year Two) on the Bamboo Slips Unearthed from the Han Tombs in Zhangjiashan


鷹取祐司(TAKATORI Yuji);陳捷(CHEN Jie)


《二年律令》 ; 張家山漢簡 ; 嶽麓書院藏秦簡 ; 逃犯 ; 命 ; 論令 ; Ernian Lüling (Statutes and Ordinances of the Year Two) ; Zhangjiashan Han-dynasty bamboo slips ; Yuelu Academy Qin-dynasty bamboo slips ; fugitives from justice ; ming procedure ; lunling




39期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 37






This article considers measures against fugitives from justice in the Qin and Han eras. The Han-era measures were stipulated under slips 122 to 124 of Ernian Lüling 二年律令 (Statutes and Ordinances of the Year Two) on the bamboo slips unearthed from the Han tombs in Zhangjiashan. The measures are as follows. 1) If an individual has committed a crime punishable by wan chengdan chong 完城旦舂 (wall-building and grain-husking), guixin baican 鬼薪白粲 (gathering of firewood and sifting of grain), or a heavier punishment and fled from justice, he or she shall be officially registered as a fugitive from justice. 2) If an individual has committed a crime punishable by nai lic henqie 耐隸臣妾 (bond servitude) or a lighter punishment and fled from justice, a lunling 論令 (order) shall be issued to summon the individual to an appointed place or time of meeting. 3) Regarding an individual who should be tried for fleeing from custody for a crime that is punishable by wan chengdan chong, guixin baican, or a heavier punishment and has not been apprehended, his or her punishment shall be determined according to the charge of fleeing from custody, and he or she shall be officially registered as a fugitive from justice accordingly. This procedure of official registration of a fugitive from justice is referred to as ming 命 and involves entering the name of the fugitive from justice along with the corresponding punishment in the ming records kept at prefectural jails. The ming procedure was applied to fugitives from justice under the Qin dynasty too. However, it was only applied to individuals who had fled after committing a more serious crime punishable by qing chengdan chong 黥城旦舂 (tattooing as well as wall-building or grain-husking) or a heavier punishment. Moreover, the punishment of those who were officially registered as fugitives from justice was not determined in court but by the statute. This suggests that the Qin-era ming procedure was somewhat different from that in the Han era in that it was intended specifically for fugitives from justice who had committed a felony. This change in application of the ming procedure from the Qin and to the Han dynasty may have been due to the fact that its application by the Qin to special crimes such as zuo yi 佐弋 disappeared under the Han dynasty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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