


The Coherence of "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law": The Underlying Thinking of Judiciary Judgments in Qing-Dynasty China and Its Reflection in the Contemporary Era


黃琴唐(HUANG Chin-tang)


情理 ; 天理 ; 人情 ; 依法審判 ; 經權 ; Sentiment and Rationality (qing-li) ; Natural Principle (tianli) ; Sentiment (renqing) ; Adjudicate According to Law ; Constancy-Expediency (jing quan)




39期(2022 / 12 / 01)


313 - 354






In the society of present-day Taiwan, we hear from time to time the phrases "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law" (qing li fa 情理法) or the "Natural Principle, Human Sentiment, and State Law" (tianli renqing guofa天理人情國法). These phrases mean that in deciding a case, one cannot take account only of the law but should also remember that "law does not exist beyond human feeling"; and one must take into consideration sentiment and reason as well as law. The thinking that underlies such judiciary practice is inherited from the traditional judiciary culture of the Han Chinese. In order to understand the historical context and the significance of the legal culture that informs the principles of "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law," this article first builds upon existing research on "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law" in the Qing Dynasty to present more systematically their function and their interrelations; as well as investigating their application. It thus clarifies some points in the literature that have thus far remained unclear. Secondly, returning its attention to contemporary legal culture, this article interrogates the deep-seated differences between traditional and contemporary legal judgements and reflects upon the position of "sentiment" and "rationality" in present-day Taiwan judicial culture. Concretely speaking, this article confirms the application of "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law" as bases for legal judgements in the Qing Dynasty, as well as the the coherence of "Sentiment, Rationality, and Law" as a judicial concept undergirding judgements. It then explains that the adjustment of the weighting of "Sentiment and Rationality" and the coherence of "Sentiment, Rationality and, Law" in judgements were the means of implementing the principle of "Rebalancing Constancy and Expediency" (jing quan huji 經權互濟); and highlights the systemic limits of the application of sentiment and rationality. Lastly, this article distinguishes the different standing of "Sentiment and Rationality" in legal judgements in the Qing Dynasty and in modern-day Taiwan, as well as the two different ideas of humanity and the different legal orders that lay behind and are linked to the principles of "Coherence of Sentiment, Rationality and Law" and "Adjudication According to Law" respectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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