


Language Used in the Writing of Taiwanese Hakka Shuo-Chang Literature, the Hakka Con-e




李梁淑(Liang-Shu Lee)


客家傳仔 ; 客話書寫 ; 客語文 ; 說唱文學 ; Hakka con-e ; Hakka writing ; Hakka language ; Shuo-Chang literature




2卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


63 - 78






Although widely believed to have originated following the "mother-tongue movement" in 1988, Hakka writing actually began in local settings much earlier; it emerged as a way to respond to the various needs of the people. This study investigated the practice of Hakka writing and the methods in which Hakka writing was produced by studying the written language of the Hakka con-e. To answer the question why scholars chose to write in the Hakka language, this study answered questions such as "Did the scholars write in the Hakka language because of limited language resources available or the effect that these resources had on writing?" and "How is it related to the authors' knowledge level and language literacy?" The objective was to use the history of Hakka writing to serve as an example for and revelation to related parties when promoting Hakka writing in Taiwan nowadays. The study results showed that Hakka con-e, in essence, is written based on the Hakka language mentality, and in practice, follows certain writing systems and guidelines. In other words, the Hakka con-e is written using a combination of vocabularies and grammar employed in popular literature, the way the language is spoken in Shuo-Chang, and a poetry-oriented literature format. The Hakka con-e generally follows simplified, conventional principles and uses common, simplified, and interchangeable characters; new words are rarely created, revealing that Hakka con-e is a spoken language-oriented form of writing that is primarily concerned with being plain and understandable.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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