


The Factors of Older Adults' Continuing Participation and Learning and Its Implication for Senior Education Planning




盧婧宜(Jing-Yi Lu);李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)


高齡學習 ; 持續參與學習 ; Rogers教育哲學觀點 ; older adult learning ; continuing participation and learning ; Rogers's educational philosophy viewpoints




2卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


49 - 65




本研究旨在探討高齡者持續參與學習之促成因素,進而瞭解其如何評鑑自我學習的成果。本研究以Rogers 教育哲學觀點為基礎,並以質性焦點座談進行資料蒐集,共訪談5 組,共計40 人。研究結果:一、 課程中的引導、建立良好的學習環境與氣氛,以及學習內容符合生活經驗,是促成高齡者持續參與學習的重要因素。二、從學習反思與檢視自我成效中,發現從學習同伴身上學習到人生經驗、紓解壓力,促使生活更為充實,並願意持續參與學習。三、學習對生活和自我成長的效益成為持續學習的動力:幫助個人適應退休生活、有機會服務他人,並從中找到自我價值與自我實現。


The purposes of this study were to explore the factors of older adults' continuing participation and learning; furthermore, to understand how they evaluate their learning effort. In this study, we based on Rogers's educational philosophy viewpoints, and conducted a qualitative method and collected data through focus group interviews. Five different learning groups were recruited; a total of 40 people. The findings are as followings: 1. Guiding in the class, establishing good learning environment and atmosphere, and learning content with life experience were important elements to enhance older adults' continuing participation and learning. 2. From learning reflection and feedback, interviewees found that they learned other life experience from their peers, as well as learned how to release their stress and made their life more fulfilling. It will make them continuing participation and learning. 3. The learning benefits would become their continuing learning motivations. It helped them to adapt their retirement life, having the opportunity to service others and contribute society, and finding their self-worth and achieving self-realization by learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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