


Compensation Committee Composition and Excess Top Management Compensation: The Impact of Family-Business Characteristics




汪進揚(Jinn-Yang Uang);陳君樺(Chun-Hua Chen)


薪資報酬委員會 ; 超額酬勞 ; 獨立性 ; 家族企業 ; compensation committee ; excess compensation ; independence ; family firm




3卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


1 - 21




本研究在於探討薪資報酬委員資格與高階管理者超額酬勞之關係,以及家族企業特性對此關係之影響。研究中 以Core、Guay與Larcker(2008)所發展之酬勞模式衡量管理者超額酬勞,以臺灣證券交易所上市公司為研究對象。實證結果指出,兼具大專教師身分及專技資格委員比率會顯著負向影響管理者超額酬勞,顯示聘任較高專業水準之薪資報酬委員有助於降低高階管理者超額酬勞情形。此外,本研究亦發現家族企業特性會降低委員專業程度對超額酬勞之影響效果。


This study aims to examine the impact of compensation committee composition on excess management compensation and whether family-business characteristics alter the relationship between committee composition and excess compensation. To conduct this research, the compensation model developed by Core, Guay, Larcker (2008) is employed to calculate excess compensation, and companies trading in the Taiwan Stock Exchange are used as the sample. The results show that the ratio of compensation committee members having both professorship and professional credentialsis negatively associated with excess management compensation, indicatingthatrecruiting members of compensation committeewith higher professional qualifications helps mitigatefat-cat problems. In addition, this study demonstrates that family-business characteristics weaken the effect of professional level of the committee on reducing excess compensation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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