


A Research on the Connections between the Novels of Tang Dynasty and Huashan (Mt. Hua)




丁肇琴(Zhao-Qin Ding)


華山 ; 唐代小說 ; 華嶽神 ; 廣異記 ; 戴孚 ; Huashan (Mt. Hua) ; Novels of Tang Dynasty ; God of Huashan ; Guang Yi Ji ( book's title) ; Dai-Fu (person's name)




12期(2011 / 07 / 01)


233 - 284






This article researches into the connections between the Novels of Tang Dynasty and Huashan (Mt.hua). Forty-eight novels have been selected and researched from the book of Tai Ping Guang Jj and the others. By these novels the author has inducted into four categories the descriptions of Huashan by the novelists of Tang Dynasty. Among the four categories are: (1) with Huashan being described as the geographical background in the novels, there are fourteen novels (2) with Huashan being described as the holy place for Taoist priests or fairies to practice Taoist rules, there are fourteen novels (3) with the God of Huashan being described as the center of the novels, there are thirteen novels, in which the God having been further grouped into two types: those who like to help people fulfill their wishes and those who intend to deprive people of their wives and concubines, leaving bad images in the minds of Tang's people and (4) with the roles in the novels being concerned with the children or the females around the God of Huashan, there are seven novels, in which the roles could be exemplified by San Lang (the third son of the God of Huashan), who despised his wife or deprived other people of their pretty concubines; Princess, who married an ordinary person; Wives, who had extramarital relations with her lover. Among the fourty-eight novels, eleven were written from Dai-Fu's book Guang Yi Ji following that he was entitled as the representative of the novelists about Huashan in the Tang Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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