


A Medical Educator Of Humanties In Taiwan-Kun-yen Huang




喻蓉蓉(Jung-Jung Yu)


黃崑巖 ; 人文醫學教育家 ; 成大醫學院 ; 創院院長 ; 夏漢民 ; Kun-yen Huang ; Medical Educator Of Humanties ; medical school and hospital for National Cheng Kung University ; the first dean of the National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine(NCKUCM) ; Hanmin-Xia




13期(2012 / 07 / 01)


131 - 171






Dr. Kun-yen Huang, is a pioneer on Taiwan's medical education and commemorated him as a Renaissance Man" for his knowledgeable, unquenchable curiosity and broad scope of interests revealing humanist ideal. Kun-Yen Huang was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan on Dec. 11, 1933. He received his medical degree from National Taiwan University in 1959. He received his doctorate of microbiology from George Washington University in 1967, and later joined the faculty, was a professor of microbiology, specializing in infectious diseases. Dr. Huang lived in the Washington area from 1963 to 1982 before moving to his native Taiwan. He returned to the D.C. region in 2009. He was best known for his work in Taiwan in the field of medical education. In 1982, Dr. Huang returned to Taiwan at the request of the Taiwanese government to develop a medical school and hospital for National Cheng Kung University. In Taiwan, Dr. Huang served from 1982 to 1995 as the first dean of the National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine (NCKUCM) in Tainan. From 1995 to 2005, Dr. Huang also led the Taiwanese committee seeking membership in the World Health Organization. He was a prolific writer with a weekly newspaper column and 12 published books. Dr. Huang had always encouraged the medical students of NCKUCM by saying "before you become a doctor, you must become an enlightened person, "Not only being a medical teacher but a teacher of humanities, human nature, and human rights, Dr. Huang helped found the NCKU Kun -Yen Medical Library embracing the humanistic ideal, designed a ceramic wall engraved Hippocratic oath highlighting ethic professional behavior, and elevated the requirement in values and ethics of medicine practice among the medical students.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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