The argumentation that Huainanzi both inherits and transforms the philosophical connotation of LaoZi can be proved by its frequent quotations of LoaZi, the transformation of which in the book is also its remarkable feature. This paper is trying to illustrate the philosophical transformation of LaoZi in Huainanzi in three aspects. First, from the angle of Applied Daoist Ritual, Huainanzi transforms LaoZi's foucu of Dao in politics into political tactics, as LaoZi focuses on achieving the ideal state of Daoism Politics by implementing Wu-we; while Huainanzi focuses on how to control ministers by political tactics. Second, in the point of view of Gong Fu cultivation, Huainanzi shifts the focus of implementing Dao by retrogressive recognition to complying with outer environment. Third, in the perspective of cosmogony, Huainanzi explains the grounds of the generation of all objects on earth by Qi-Hua Cosmology; while Laozi explains the root of existence and its value of objects by Onto-Cosmology, which shows that the concerns of the two works are markedly different. Throughout the discussion in the mentioned three aspects, the synopsis of the philosophical transformation of Laozi in Huainanzi will be outlined accordingly.