
Implementing Collocation Pattern Instruction with Lexically Constructed Portfolios






王毓芝(Yu-Chih Wang)


搭配詞組教學 ; 詞彙建構檔案 ; 閱讀能力 ; collocation pattern instruction ; lexically constructed portfolios ; reading comprehension




16期(2015 / 07 / 01)


253 - 281




本研究在檢視以詞彙建構檔案,強化學生學習英語搭配詞組之教學成效,此研究用於兩班英文文法課程中,做為期一年的實驗,兩班均有系統教授英語搭配詞,但只要求實驗組學生需於課後做詞彙建構檔案,控制組同學並未強制要求做此檔案,並以多益考試做為前後,測因為它的高信度與效度,前測顯示兩班閱續成績均近似,但經一年的實驗,後測時實驗組成績顯著優於控制組,且質化與量化分析亦顯示實驗組表現優異且學習動機強。此研究目的在於給同學們一個對文法的新認知,因為每個英文單字都具備不同之文法詞性,而英文搭配詞組是以文法為橋樑建構起字與字的關連性,因此可藉搭配詞統整同學對英文單字與文法的觀念,進而形成具實際溝通效果的搭配詞組。詞彙建構檔案是以伍拉德(Woolard,2000) 之詞彙筆記(lexical notebooks)理論為基礎,並依據皮雅傑(Piaget,1969)與維果斯基(Vygotsky,1978)之建構主義學習理論,強調學習者應化被動接受學習為主動有效學習。


This study examined the effects of implementing collocation pattern instruction with lexically constructed portfolios in a required grammar course to activate students ' grammar learning with learned vocabulary to form communicational collocation patterns. The study was based on Woolard 's concept of lexical notebooks (2000) to ensure learner acquisition. According to constructivist learning theory (Piag仗, 1969 ; Vygotsky, 1978), learners should be guided towards active productive learning rather than passive receptive knowledge (Nation, 200 I) . Many researchers advocate the important role of collocation patterns in second language learning (Hill , 2000; Hoey, 2005 ; Lewis, 2000; Liu , 2003 ; Nation, 2001). In this study, collocation pattern instruction focused on those words they often met with a con structive system of portfolios . Two instructional approaches were compared: collocation pattern instruction supplemented with lexically constructed portfolios versus collocation pattern instruction in the classroom only. 80 English majors in two required English Grammar classes were divided into experimental (EG : 41) and control (CG: 39) groups. Quantitative and qualitati ve data were collected and analyzed over a year. TOEIC tests were used as a pre-test and post-test to identify their differences and similarities because of the high validity (0.90) and reliability (0 .92) (l ISC, 2005). The two groups of students' pre-test reading averages were almost identical. However, a year later, when their TOElC post-tests were compared, the EG averages in reading showed a significant improvement (P=0.000<0.05 , t=-28 .630). Qualitative data analysis obtained through student-teacher conferences suggested that EG students had stronger interest in exploring collocation patterns, and they actively studied those collocation pattern s in their self-monitored lexically con structed portfolios.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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