


The Landscaping and Recreationalization of Cross-river Bridges in Taipei: The Overlapping of Multiple Meanings


王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang);李涵茹(Han-Ru Lee)


都市治理 ; 水岸發展 ; 地方創造 ; 橋下空間 ; 基礎設施 ; urban governance ; waterfront development ; place making ; space under bridge ; infrastructure




18期(2018 / 07 / 01)


13 - 56+58






Based on historical and field studies of the river-crossing bridges in metropolitan Taipei, the article explores three levels of meanings and corresponding place-making of bridge infrastructure. First, the authors discuss the dominant meanings supported by the forms and functions of bridges that have evolved from the Japanese colonialism to nowadays. And a transformation of bridge meanings from gateway under functional management towards spectacle under aestheticized governance is identified. Second, the derivative functions and meanings of bridge are discussed through various appendages that were set up under urban governance negotiation. Third, the appropriation of the spaces beneath bridges highlighted the converted meanings of infrastructure as interstitial territory for various activities. Under the trend towards riverfront recreationalization, the leisure activities under bridges become popular but are limited by the forms of bridges. Finally, the authors emphasize that the multiple meanings of bridge and the trend towards landscaping and recreationalization reveal the social-cultural dimension of infrastructure under urban transformation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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